Mmmmicro sundae

I had a “micro sundae” for the first time at Toscanini’s yesterday. [Man, the number of times I write about that place, you’d think I go there every day or something… :)]

A micro sundae is a mini-scoop of any flavor ice cream you like, squished into an espresso cup (or a Dixie cup, if it’s To Go), then covered with hot fudge, then real, sweetened whipped cream (the beige, clumpy kind).

I had mine with cookies and cream ice cream.

I was “without camera” at the time, so here are my flickr findings on Toscanini’s micro sundaes (thank you, mossybaby and chessie monks!):

micro sundae creepy micro sundae 1 creepy micro sundae 2

I think I’d prefer a micro sundae from Tosci’s to a Serendipity Golden Opulence Sundae any day.

June 14, 2007. Boston/Cambridge, food. No Comments.

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