Make your own comics

I am very happy about Web 2.0 today. It sort of hit a trampoline when I saw kottke post the most elaborate Line Rider track ever. People are crazy! Crazy awesome.

Then I saw Bitstrips on boingboing: “BitStrips is a fast, easy, sharing-friendly comic creation site — you make ‘characters’ using a Wii-style menu, pose them and fill in dialog, layout your strips and monkey with the backgrounds, borrowing material from any of the thousands of strips that have been made to date.” Yarg, this is the perfect distraction from my thesis.

bitstrips screenshot

March 25, 2008. comics, computers/programming. 3 Comments.


  1. black replied:

    did you join the comics?

    April 6th, 2008 at 1:31 pm. Permalink.

  2. Anita replied:

    Yes, I am user “dorq”. Give me a link to your comics!

    April 9th, 2008 at 3:25 pm. Permalink.

  3. manas replied:

    democratization of comic creation is a cool idea. perhaps if the comic supports standard character from a popular strip (dilbert, phd comics?), would be funner. too much choice might be bad ….

    May 11th, 2008 at 12:24 am. Permalink.

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