How Sleep Works


Today I caught up on my How Stuff Works “Daily Stuff” feed. Tucked in there, with How Subways Work and How Spontaneous Human Combustion Works, was How Sleep Works.

We hear stuff about sleep all the time… but there’s always something new.

All straight from the above article (with the exception of the bracketed text):

March 29, 2007. how things work. 1 Comment.

One Comment

  1. Anita replied:

    Interesting addendum about how sleeping (n x 90 mins) is all you need to wake up feeling rested. I’ve wondered about this for a while, and while I think there is some truth to what this guy’s saying, I’m not going to rush into his sleeping patterns…
    The power of the Sleep Cycle

    March 30th, 2007 at 10:15 pm. Permalink.

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