
I have to admit I’ve dumped numerous hours into facebooking the past couple of weeks. Brent invited me to join right before I went to Texas, and I resisted for a few days, but thought I’d try it out. And now I am somewhat hooked. I have connected with old elementary school friends, seen pictures of people I haven’t thought about since college, and best of all, now have a new news feed: What is happening in the world of people I actually know.

Today’s news includes:

Here are reasons I like facebook:

June 27, 2007. computers/programming, friends. 3 Comments.


  1. jenny replied:

    oh man, i totally read an article the other day that said that preppies use facebook, and cool kids use myspace.
    i’m totally not making that up.
    but i’m too cool to google it and include a link. cuz i’m on myspace! muahaha

    June 27th, 2007 at 8:08 pm. Permalink.

  2. Anita replied:

    hahaha, oh jenny… i knew you’d say that. Here is that article, btw: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/06/24/myspace_facebook_mir.html

    At least we read the same blogs, freako.

    June 27th, 2007 at 8:22 pm. Permalink.

  3. Anita replied:

    oh and also! i wrote this post before that article came out, dammit.

    June 27th, 2007 at 8:28 pm. Permalink.

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