What’s the sound of one piano dropping?

piano flyerYesterday was MIT‘s “drop date”, the last day during which you can drop classes. MIT’s drop date tradition is, of course, to drop a piano off of the top of Baker House.

I went to this event, expecting a cacophonous crash full of pops and twangs and vibrating strings, and wood splintering everywhere (“Should I be wearing safety goggles?”). And, to my dismay, the piano had no strings (hence, no crazy resonating sounds), and it really just sort of made a simple wood-breaking sound that seemed too short after what seemed like a very long fall. Still, it *was* loud, and was very silly. So I was happy.

Luis took a video of the occasion. And this guy has some great photos from last year’s event.


April 27, 2007. MIT, music. No Comments.

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