
Ian and I both made the New York Times meatballs today. Here’s the recipe, which was at the top of the Times’s Most-Emailed list for a week: Italian Meatballs

meatwadThey were great. Nice and crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. (And the leftovers!) If they sound tasty to you, I encourage you to make them – it’s fun to mold the balls and get your hands all messy.

[ For dessert, I recommend Molten Lava Cakes, which are really really easy and as wonderful as they sound. I just made a third of the recipe, for two cakes, and left out the orange liqueur. The mixture can sit for days in the refrigerator, so you can save some poured into dishes, and cook one the next day you want one in just ten minutes (that’s all the time it took to make them in my oven). ]

April 1, 2007. food. No Comments.

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