
Do you remember this?

sesame street pinball

Seeing that “12”, with this background, almost makes me shudder. (It’s the best part!!)

Sesame Street Pinball videos:

If you do remember these, how about this?

What a strange feeling it is to watch these after so long.

April 5, 2007. tv. 2 Comments.


  1. jenny replied:

    oh, how i love sesame street. ooh, i’m gonna search for those films with the salt shaker…
    anyway, my favorite of all time is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJJcZ4BGPnc

    (i don’t know how to do that fancy linky stuff here.)

    it is the crayola factory video!

    April 5th, 2007 at 8:53 am. Permalink.

  2. jenny replied:

    oh, well, lookit that. does it for you. sweet.

    April 5th, 2007 at 8:58 am. Permalink.

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